第一位佩戴RM 60-01 Regatta飛返計時碼錶航海家品牌摯友,目前使用單體船瑪麗齊亞二號(Malizia II),專心備戰2019年雅克瓦布裡比賽(Transat Jacques Vabre)
Tatler Asia


At just barely thirty years old, the reigning passion of this entrepreneur and son of the Princess de Monaco is sailing. This passionate affair with the sea is by no means a matter of chance. For Pierre Casiraghi, sailing is second nature: but it all came into focus for Pierre in 2010 thanks to the experience he gained aboard Tuiga, the flagship of Monaco’s Yacht Club, an institution of which he is today vice-president. An excellent coxswain, he has sailed on legendary boat models and won many high-profile regattas and prizes.

Tatler Asia

皮埃爾愛好冒險、要求完美的本性和超越自我的追求,都在RICHARD MILLE身上得到共鳴。“我真的對Richard作為一個企業家所取得的成就感到驚訝;他成功地創造出了一個獨特新穎的品牌。”

Pierre’s taste for risk, his demanding nature and quest to surpass himself are all qualities he finds echoed in Richard Mille. ‘I am truly amazed by what Richard has achieved as an entrepreneur. He has successfully created a brand that is both original and innovative.’

對RICHARD MILLE家族來說,皮埃爾的加入是測試RM 60-01 Regatta飛返計時碼錶的絕佳機會,進而確認其能完美適應自然航海條件、以及因海水腐蝕而造成的惡劣環境影響。談到他的手錶,皮埃爾說:“我喜歡它的構造,除此之外,它是我所見過的第一個同時具備移動和定向指南針的機械錶,移動和定向指南針是兩個重要的導航工具。”因此,他戴著這款自動上鍊飛返計時碼錶航行堪稱渾然天成,這簡直就是專為航行而生的一款高級腕錶作品。”

Pierre’s arrival within the Richard Mille family provides an exceptional opportunity to test the RM 60-01 Regatta and ensure its perfect adaptation to the nautical world, a severely hostile environment due to the corrosive properties of seawater. Speaking of his watch, Pierre shares: ‘I love its architecture, and besides, it’s the first mechanical watch I’ve seen that has bidirectional bezel with compass, a crucial instrument for navigation.’ It is thus entirely natural for him be wearing this automatic flyback chronograph developed for sailing the Seven Seas.

Tatler Asia
