經手過許多世界知名鑽石的Graff,日前宣布收購一顆色澤豔麗、重達13.33克拉的粉紅鑽原石,並將其命名為「The Graff Lesotho Pink」,再次寫下世界紀錄。
Tatler Asia
Above Graff於前年所收購的一顆重達1,109克拉的巨鑽原石「Lesedi La Rona」。(圖片提供/Graff)




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A world of possibilities, A beauty in the rough: A wave of excitement travels through the Graff company today as news is released of an exceptional rough diamond acquisition. A magnificent 373.72 carat rough will join the role call of famous diamonds to be cut and polished by Graff. Once part of the Lesedi la Rona, the second largest diamond ever discovered, this rough stone already carries a mysterious allure. Separated from its famous sibling during the recovery process, it will now write its own chapter under the careful watch of Laurence Graff and his team of gemologists and master cutters. What secrets lie inside? To be continued... #GraffDiamonds #RoughDiamond #CreatingDiamondHistory #Diamond

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Tatler Asia
Above The Graff Lesotho Pink。(圖片提供/Graff)

還記得前年Graff收購的一顆重達1,109克拉的巨鑽原石「Lesedi La Rona」嗎?多年以來,Graff經手過許多世界名鑽,包含「The Lesotho Promise」、「The Letseng Legacy」和「Letseng Star」等,而今,Graff更進一步收購,一顆由Gem Diamonds在知名的非洲萊索托Letseng鑽礦發現重達13.33克拉的粉紅鑽原石,Graff以刷新Letseng鑽礦寶石每克拉售價的世界紀錄購得,並將其命名為「The Graff Lesotho Pink」。Graff創辦人Laurence Graff更讚嘆道:「這是我遇過色澤最艷麗的粉紅鑽原石,是極為珍罕的瑰寶。」

稍微熟悉Graff的人,一定都知道他們致力展現寶石純粹的美學,在行家們之間也都流傳著一句話——“Design around the stone.”Graff對於每一顆取得的珍貴寶石,都秉持著尊重與虔誠的信念,為其找到最佳的切割方法、形狀以及設計,以期能夠完美凸顯鑽石本身最獨一無二的光芒。



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Photo 1 of 3 主石為5.25克拉的枕形切割藍鑽戒指。(圖片提供/Graff)
Photo 2 of 3 主石為1.05克拉的雷地恩明亮式切割紫紅色鑽石戒指。(圖片提供/Graff)
Photo 3 of 3 主石為12.02克拉的梨形切割粉紅鑽戒指。(圖片提供/Graff)
