Cover 圖片提供/自左圖起順時針方向:©Rolex James Moy、Patek Philippe、Hublot。
勞力士、百達翡麗Patek Philippe、Hublot近日相繼宣布,因應新冠肺炎COVID-19疫情,將暫時關閉瑞士錶廠,為鐘錶業投下震撼彈,繼Watches & Wonders Geneva(前身為SIHH)、Baselworld 2020取消之後,新冠肺炎疫情讓鐘錶業的未來走向,變得更加詭譎難測。
Tatler Asia
Above ©Rolex James Moy


Hublot在官方聲明中表示:「Due to the global spread of COVID-19, as a precautionary measure, and in order protect the health and well-being of our staff and their families, we have decided to temporarily close our Manufacture's production site until further notice. We are confident in our ability to collectively rise to meet new challenges and will overcome this crisis, together.」

而Rolex台灣與Patek Philippe台灣總代理武祥貿易,經證實在今天17日稍早均收到總部的關廠通知,Rolex配合瑞士聯邦委員會(Swiss Federal Council)因應新冠肺炎的決策,已於瑞士時間3月17日正式關閉位於Geneva、Bienne與Crissier三處生產基地至3月27日。

而Patek Philippe則將於3月18日至3月27日暫時關閉所有生產線與總部活動,並將可能根據疫情發展,調整重新開放時間。

Patek Philippe於官方聲明中表示:「In consideration of the very severe COVID-19 situation we are facing as a company and as a nation, and to protect our dedicated professionals and their families, Patek Philippe has decided to shut down all its production sites and close all its Head Office activities from March 18, 2020 through March 27, 2020. The reopening date may be reevaluated depending on the evolution of the epidemic. In this climate, as a family company, our hearts and thoughts go out to the people who have been and are being affected by this unprecedented event. We also feel very grateful for the healthcare workers, local communities, and everyone around the world who are on the front lines struggling to contain this coronavirus. 」

Tatler Asia
Above 圖片提供/Patek Philippe