With Jupiter entering its retrograde phase on September 4, Tatler’s astrologer Casey Chan explains what each star sign can expect next week

For many of us, the past six weeks have been a journey deep into our hearts, as Venus travels through her retrograde period in the sign of Leo. If the past weeks have triggered you into becoming more reflective of your relationship with love, money and personal values—you are right on schedule. Themes related to your self-expression, creativity and capacity to remain open-hearted could have been active as well.

As Venus stations direct again on September 4, these reflections finally have the space to land, and we could find our connection to our heart’s desire stronger than ever before. Now is the time to collect all the new insights, and make choices that feel the most correct, supportive and nourishing. This could be committing to a new way of loving, incorporating self-love affirmations into your morning routine or being more mindful of how you spend and receive money. 

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On the same day, Jupiter enters his retrograde phase. With all outer planets now in retrograde (Pluto, Saturn, Neptune, Uranus and Jupiter), it is the perfect time to reflect on the bigger picture in life, contemplating questions such as: What is the life I wish to create for myself? What are the steps I can begin taking to achieve my goals? Is the path that I am currently on reflective of my deepest desires?

Further clarity could be found on September 6 when Sun and Mercury unite in the sign of Leo. This day offers moments of epiphanies as the universe drops “aha” moments into your awareness. There is nothing specific that you need to do apart from remaining open to the wisdom that arises from your heart. It may be helpful to journal your thoughts or brainstorm with a friend who shares your vision in life. 

The week by rising sign

Be honest about your financial situation and begin brainstorming the right actions to take. It’s time to be brutally honest and take radical responsibility. 

Visualise the version of yourself who lives in their highest alignment—what in your life needs changing to make this vision come true? 

Trust your intuition. Tune into what feels correct energetically, then make your daydreams and insights a reality by taking aligned actions. 

Make space for big goals and dreams. This is the time to be futuristic and let your imaginations run wild. What do you really want in life?

Reimagine the career path that’s yours to take. Beyond that, feel the bigger picture that’s your soul’s legacy. What do you want to be remembered for? 

Figure out the beliefs and life philosophies that hold importance for you. Dance between healthy scepticism and commitment to your personal truth.

Be courageous about having difficult conversations, especially around setting healthy boundaries. What engagements do you need to withdraw your energy from? 

What are the relationships that your heart desires to build? Contemplate on what’s standing in the way of you creating and sustaining those connections. 

Big visions are realised through small steps, don’t underestimate the power of aligned habits. Consider what needs shifting in your current routine. 

Reflect on the times when life felt completely joyful and free of stress—what was your energy like and what opportunities presented themselves? Start prioritising pleasure again. 

How does having a supportive safe haven feel for you? Consider the actions you can take to attain the level of security that your heart desires. 

Your mind has been overflowing with the possibilities of life. Tune into the bigger picture of these dreams and contemplate the best next steps. 

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