GUANGZHOU, CHINA - APRIL 05:  (CHINA OUT) People mourn their ancestors and the deceased at a cemetery during Qingming Festival (also known as Tomb-sweeping Festival) on April 5, 2015 in Guangzhou, Guangdong province of China. Chinese traditional Qingming Festival, or "Tomb-sweeping Day", which is on April 5 theis year according to Chinese calendar, is a traditional time when people worship the deceased and ancestors, involving cleaning and repairing tombs and other sacrifice activities.  (Photo by Visual Ch
Cover GUANGZHOU, CHINA - APRIL 05: (CHINA OUT) People mourn their ancestors and the deceased at a cemetery during Qingming Festival (also known as Tomb-sweeping Festival) on April 5, 2015 in Guangzhou, Guangdong province of China. Chinese traditional Qingming Festival, or "Tomb-sweeping Day", which is on April 5 theis year according to Chinese calendar, is a traditional time when people worship the deceased and ancestors, involving cleaning and repairing tombs and other sacrifice activities. (Photo by Visual Ch


2022清明四天連續假期來臨,每年這時候多數人會按照傳統習俗,和家人親戚一同祭奠祖先,抑或善用難得的連假出門踏青走走。而 4 月 5 日是國定「民族掃墓節」,也就是大家俗稱的清明節,跟 Tatler 一起來認識一下這重要的節日。


Tatler Asia
SINGAPORE - APRIL 04:  Family members visit the tomb of their loved ones to pay their respects and burn offerings at the Choa Chu Kang Chinese Cemetery during the Qing Ming Festival on April 4, 2013 in Singapore. Qing Ming, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is an annual Chinese festival to commemorate the dead. Families mark the day by visiting and cleaning the graves of their ancestors, burning incense and paper money and presenting offerings such as food, tea, wine and joss paper accessories.  (Photo by Su
Above SINGAPORE - APRIL 04: Family members visit the tomb of their loved ones to pay their respects and burn offerings at the Choa Chu Kang Chinese Cemetery during the Qing Ming Festival on April 4, 2013 in Singapore. Qing Ming, also known as Tomb-Sweeping Day, is an annual Chinese festival to commemorate the dead. Families mark the day by visiting and cleaning the graves of their ancestors, burning incense and paper money and presenting offerings such as food, tea, wine and joss paper accessories. (Photo by Su


關於清明節的歷史故事流傳許多版本,不過在追溯那些傳說前,首先要告訴你其實清明節原本並非為「節日」,在農民曆上屬於二十四節氣的「寒食節」。通常寒食節是冬至後第 105 天,推算下來是清明節前一日,根據《荊楚歲時記》書籍記載,因為日子距離甚近,再加上原本「清明」特殊風俗習慣,所以選擇將兩者合併。



Tatler Asia
UNSPECIFIED - JUNE 06:  Close-up of a bunch of grapes  (Photo by DEA / A.PAGANI/De Agostini via Getty Images)
Above UNSPECIFIED - JUNE 06: Close-up of a bunch of grapes (Photo by DEA / A.PAGANI/De Agostini via Getty Images)


  • 1.掃墓期間禁止叫全名
  • 2.避免穿著紅色衣物,以低彩度、深色系為主。
  • 3.祭拜水果要注意:避開「一串」的水果,例如葡萄、荔枝;中心空心的水果會冒犯祖先;有「旺」字諧音的水果,像是鳳梨、香蕉、李子等;象徵壞兆頭的多籽水果,如芭樂、番茄、百香果。
  • 4.鞋子擺放有學問,掃墓完回到家後記得把鞋頭朝向家門口或屋外,避免把邪氣、晦氣帶進屋內。
  • 5.掃墓最佳時辰為清晨 5 點起至 8 點前,最晚不宜下午 3 點後陽氣較弱時。


Tatler Asia
Goi cuon or fresh spring rolls.  City of Yogyakarta, Java island, Indonesia, Asia. (Photo by: Mikel Bilbao/VW PICS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)
Above Goi cuon or fresh spring rolls. City of Yogyakarta, Java island, Indonesia, Asia. (Photo by: Mikel Bilbao/VW PICS/Universal Images Group via Getty Images)



